We share this video of humanity joining as a new united Team...
Press Releases

We are pleased to highlight this video...
Our Opportunity to Temper the Torment of Silent Suffering
In writing on the topic of access to essential palliative care medicines for people living with cancer, I considered speaking as a biomedical researcher...

Teams win the Superbowl and Teams provide Palliative Care; Teamwork is essential to ensure global access to, and availability of, quality palliative care.
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waltherinfo@iu.eduFeatured in the Media
Featured in the News
Walther Global Palliative Care & Supportive Oncology continues in the Pain & Policy Studies Group's (PPSG) legacy to make access to essential medicines for pain & palliative care a priority in global media coverage.
Walther Global Palliative Care & Supportive Oncology
Touchdown for Humanity: George Koonce teams up for Human Rights
Human Rights Day has been observed on December 10th for more than half a century. It’s a day to recognize the rights everyone is entitled to as a human being, regardless of race, creed, color or gender.
Pain & Policy Studies Group
Pain’s East-West divide
The late stages of many types of cancer can be excruciatingly painful without the right kind of pain relief and care. Whether you get that depends to a large extent on where you live.
In India, a Quest to Ease the Pain of the Dying
TRIVANDRUM, India — It was a neighbor screaming in pain 35 years ago that set Dr. M. R. Rajagopal on the path to his nickname: India’s “father of palliative care.”