As part of our collaborative work around the world...
Our Opportunity to Temper the Torment of Silent Suffering
In writing on the topic of access to essential palliative care medicines for people living with cancer, I considered speaking as a biomedical researcher or as a clinical neuropsychologist.
Teams win the Superbowl and Teams provide Palliative Care; Teamwork is essential to ensure global access to, and availability of, quality palliative care.
World Cancer Day: Cancer Pain Ravages Lives amidst Pandemic Challenges
Nearly 2 of every 3 people diagnosed with advanced cancer around the world do not have access to essential medicines for relief of moderate to severe pain.
Touchdown for Humanity kicks-off a movement uniting people across the globe to ensure the human right of palliative care and access to essential medicines
United Nations Office on Drug & Crime (UNODC) is launching “Listen First: The Science of Care,” ten animated videos and written...
Collateral damage of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in limited or no access to essential medicines for patients needing palliative care for serious illness.
Clamoring for Care: Non Covid-19 Patients Bear Brunt of Suffering and Inequities
As the pandemic wears on, vulnerable patients pay the price of suffering and become “invisible” as a consequence of Covid-19.